CA hosted its hybrid Spring Regulatory Workshop on April 10th at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa. 65 individuals attended in-person while another 54 connected into the workshop remotely! Participants were guided through essential regulatory and policy updates from Health Canada (CHPSD, NNHPD, ROEB) and Environment Canada, and had the opportunity to engage directly with our regulators.
Special guests were Mark Youden and Quinn Rochon from Gowling WLG, who provided an overview of the Environmental Protection Tribunal of Canada. Members were informed on how to leverage the Tribunal to dispute any issues they experience related to Environment Canada’s enforcement activities. A detailed agenda including the topics covered can be found here – Spring 2024 Final Agenda.
Joining us at the workshop was the new Director General of the Natural and Non-Prescription Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) – Stephen Norman, who just 3 days prior took up this portfolio from Natalie Page who was recently promoted to Special Advisor to the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM).
The event continued on April 11th with our special Member Engagement Session where we took the time to discuss what we heard the day before from regulators and share our collective challenges, concerns and regulatory experiences – all of which help to inform CA’s strategies and advocacy efforts. The day commenced with Darren Praznik’s President’s Address followed by a deep dive into Environment Canada enforcement activities and fragrance allergen labelling. The meeting concluded with an “All CA Technical Committees” workshop that delved into recent developments around digital labelling.
This is one of CA’s most valuable member events, so be sure not to miss the next Regulatory Workshop to be held on November 21st in Ottawa.