Election Returns “Stable” Liberal Minority

Posted Date: 20-November-2019

Minimal Changes to Industry Strategy
With the recent federal election resulting in a “stable” Liberal minority government, CA’s strategies in pursuing our industry’s objectives will continue with minimal changes. A re-elected government means that the policy direction on important issues to our industry – such as the Self-Care Products Framework and a E.U. based animal testing ban – can be expected to continue.
As for the Self-Care Framework (SCF) specifically, we expect that the work required to complete and then implement this important reform will continue more or less on schedule. As much of the SCF requires only regulatory changes – which does not require parliamentary approval – the minority situation should not interfere with the technical requirements to move forward. Even the limited legislative changes required – many of which are included in the new Cosmetics Annex which industry secured in the new NAFTA – can be expected to be addressed in any NAFTA implementation bill which should have widespread parliamentary support.
The more challenging issues for our industry in a minority parliament will be with respect to animal testing legislation and any changes to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), as the government will not be able to entirely control the legislative process. These will, of course, require our industry to continue our outreach to opposition parties to ensure our issues are understood, appreciated and considered in any legislative outcomes.
Other Thoughts on the Federal Election:
Canada Confirms Return to “Traditional” Political Landscape
With the Liberal and Conservative parties again emerging as the two largest parties (and the most likely to form government), the results of the 2011 election, in which the New Democrats emerged as the official opposition with over 100 seats and the Liberals were decimated, can now be seen as an anomaly in Canadian politics.
Re-Election of Many MP’s Who Represent Ridings Where Our Industry is Located
As an industry with facilities focused in several “hubs” across the country, most of the MP’s from these areas were re-elected ensuring a continuation of their understanding and support for our issues. These MP’s include members of most of the parties in parliament.
“Energy and the Environment” will be a Significant Issue in the Days Ahead
As seen in the election with the stark difference in the results between Alberta/Saskatchewan and the rest of the country, as well as the political commentary since the election, it can be anticipated that the apparent divide between energy and the environment will be a significant and possibly dominant narrative in political discourse and debate for some time. Industry will have to take this into account in our various government relations strategies to ensure that our priorities are not sidelined.
When Will the Minority Parliament End and We Have Another Election?
Experience tells us the next election will be when ONE of four things occur:
1.    ALL three main opposition parties believe that an election will give them a better result;
2.    The Liberals believe an election will give them a majority;
3.    Egos and posturing result in an accidental defeat of the government; or
4.    The Gov’s survives the full four year term.
It should be remembered that an opposition party does NOT have to vote WITH the government on confidence issues. They can still vote AGAINST the Liberals BUT have enough of their members abstain (13 MP’s). This allows them to vote AGAINST the gov’t on an issue/budget/confidence motion WITHOUT causing an election (which the public may not want).